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来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-10 编辑:admin 手机版

English Study

English study is becoming gradually significant nowadays when globalization appears to be a trend for the increasing international communication necessarily needed. To practice their own English ability and pursuit a better occupation, lots of people take part in the troop of learning English. And so do I.

I’m majoring in English and English is my favorite subject. Since I have chosen English as my major, learning English well becomes my duty and interest. Then how can we learn English well? Different people have different ways to enhance their English ability. Here are some of my advices.

First, I think the most important thing for an English learner is that we should be interested in it. After all, interest is the best teacher. Take my self as an example, I was interested in those English when I was a kid, and I always imitated their pronunciation, although it did not make any sense at that time, I was so curious that, another totally different language. So when I graduated from high school, I choose English as my major because I love it and I want that my future occupation is related to English.

If we want to learn English well, I think it is necessary to drill as much as possible. The more we apply English in real situations, the more natural it will become. Learning English needs taking a lot of efforts. But don’t give up. Just be patient. Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. Many students abroad are not good at English when they arrival in the English countries, however, after a period of time, their English ability enhance incrediblely. That’s because they live in another language atmosphere, totally different from their mother language atmosphere, which means they can not use their language to listen, to read, to write and to communicate with other people. This situation forces themselves to practice English frequently and a lot every day. And day after day, they made it.

To learn English well we should try to think in English whenever possible. When we see something, think of the English word of it, and then think about the word in a sentence. When we learn a new verb, we should learn its various forms. It is very important to practice the words you have learned.

If we want to learn English well, we should use a dictionary and grammar guide constantly. Keep a small English dictionary with us at all times. When we encounter a new word, don’t look it up at once. We can guess its meaning first according to the context before looking it up in the dictionary.

Besides, Joining some English train school or learn some special skills is necessary. For instance, An English Learning skill is now very hot and popular in China, called “Crazy English”, initiated by a man named Li Yang. This English learning method teaches you how to practice and oral English, really useful. For example, finishing speaking a long sentence in a breath, and mark the time you used, just for comparation. And imitating the accent and tone of people from English speaking countries is another good way to correct your English pronunciation, because standard English voice can be very helpful.

Internet is a good stuff on which you can find and download such English media as songs, movies,etc. to watch and listen and learn. Meanwhile, you can download some English study software and practice on computer.

In a word, if we want to learn English well, we should be sensitive to the things we meet and always ready to practise what we have learned, which is of great importance.

