凤台范文网 > > 实用文 > 跪求5篇 关于日常生活的 英文对话!!!急用!大家帮帮忙

跪求5篇 关于日常生活的 英文对话!!!急用!大家帮帮忙

来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-11 编辑:admin 手机版

一、跪求5篇 关于日常生活的 英文对话!!!急用!大家帮帮忙

1.It`s   a   great   day, isn`t  it?


2.What`s  your  name?

My  name  is ····

3.Hi!  Nice  to  meet  you!

Nice  to  meet  you , too!

4.Would  you  like  any   apples?

Oh,yes!Thank  you.

5.How  much  is  the  skirt?

It`s  20  dollars.

Ok.I`ll  take   it.

Here  you  are.


You  are  welcome!


A: Look at that old man. Let's help him, shall we?

B: OK.He is taking too many things to take the bus.

C: But we must hurry up. We will be late for school! Today is our duty.If we are late again, our classmates will not forgive us,I'm sure.

B: Well, I agree with you.

A: Haha! Don't worry guys. Look! There goes a man, i think he will help the old man.

C: Wow, nice! Hurry up,kids,we will be late!


A:How do you do?

B:How do you do?

A:My name is Ashley Black.Nice to meet you!

B:Nice to meet you,too.Ashley,I am Tomas Smith.I'm new here,You can call me Tom.

A:Hi,Tom.Then you are fresh man in the college?

B:Yes,you are right.I don't even know where is the dorm.And the labraury``````

A:OK,I'll bring you to walk around in the campus.

B:Thank you!

A:Come on.This is the main road,all the teaching buildingsare along the road.Labraury is in the end.

B:Where are the gym and the football playground?

A:It's in the sourth part.The most important is that dorm is in the north.Let's see,what's your dorm number?``````Um,1105.OK,This way please.That's dorm building No.1,on the first floor,and fifth room.I'm very sorry,I have to stop here.

B:Thank you very much! See you later!

A:See you!


Good afternoon !

I believe that this house is for sale ?

That's right.

May I have a look at it ,please ?

yes ,of course .come in .

How long have you lived here?

I've lived here for twenty years .

Twenty years !That's a long time .

Yes ,I've been here since 1976.

Then way do you want to sell it ?

Because I 've just retired .I want to buy a small house in the country .

How much does this house cost ?

68,500.pound .

That's a lot of money !

It 's worth very penny of it .

Wll ,I like the house but I can decide yet .

My wife must see first .

Women always have the last word.

