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来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-11 编辑:admin 手机版


Responsibility is an inherent mission, which accompanied every life has always been.

Professional responsibility is to the eternal spirit, if capacity as precious as gold, then the sense of responsibility in the spirit of the more valuable; whether a nation, a country or an organization, a person.

Lack of courage of a nation's spirit of responsibility, this nation without hope;

Irresponsible of an organization, it will cocoon, loss of customers, and ultimately closed down;

A person responsible, will be despised, loss of trust, mediocrity.

For the nation, only that everyone take responsibility and do the backbone of the nation, the Chinese nation can really rise!

For organizations, brought together only the responsibility of each person's value for the whole team, the organization in order to continue, sustained progress, will truly have the core competitiveness!

For instance, only the responsibility of each people to choose and take responsibility, adhere to the responsibility, can really enhance the internal strength, be strong!

However, people are most reluctant to take responsibility, the key moment, people most likely to give up the responsibility, evading responsibility! How to make people understand the responsibility and bear the responsibility! Please pay attention to Dr. Yang Zonghua years of sword, 2009, heavy attack, the responsibility is better than ability series of courses.

This course is the relationship between responsibility and capacity as the starting point, in close connection with the current economic situation, the global economy through the development of Chinese enterprises under the turning point analysis of the current dig the Chinese way of thinking of managers and staff the work of the mind, focusing on how to become a responsible excellent staff, how can the economic downturn continued to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises the double theme, from the Viewpoint of staff responsibilities, a comprehensive interpretation of individual responsibility, organization and other enterprise management responsibility for major issues.

Integrated financial concepts and practical curriculum, a lively sense of humor, case informative, life, unique perspective, the concept ahead. How to enhance the sense of both the church staff, managers how to motivate employees sense of responsibility; and depth summary of the local environment, the boss how to build a responsible organization, how to stimulate employee motivation, how to enhance the responsibility of the soft power management system mode.

Through this course, enterprises, government agencies, system administrators can use the method of thinking, grasp of human nature, and thus broaden their horizons, improve organizational and individual responsibility to implement the force.

