凤台范文网 > > 心情 > 如何保持好心情的英语作文


来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-04 编辑:admin 手机版



二、怎样保持好的心情英语作文70 急急急!

Everybody wants to keep in a good mood but it's not easy for everyone to do that.

Anyway,we can cheer up ourselves when being in bad mood.

Firstly,watcing a humorous movie is really a good way,it can make you laugh and forget the troubles.Secondly,doing exercises is another good option,you can feel much better after sweating and the point is good for your health.Last but not least,you can feel more relaxed after talking to your sincere friends.

Anyway, It's you that control yourself.You are the only one managing your emotion.

三、怎样保持好的心情的英语作文 要求:字数70-80左右,条理清晰,简明

怎样保持一个好的心情 每个人都想生活的开心,快乐。 那么我们平时就应该保持一个好的心情。 多和身边的同学、朋友分享一些开心快乐的事。 其次就是自己的心态一定要好。 助人为乐,帮助他人也可以从中得到乐趣。这不正是保持一个好心情的办法之一吗?哈哈 How to keep a good mood Everyone wants to live happy, happy. So we usually should keep a good mood. Many classmates, and beside share some happy things. Second is their mentality is close friends certainly. Helpfulness, help others also can have fun. Isn't that what maintain a good mood one way? Ha ha 快点采纳吧~~~


The mood protected to entertain optimistic


五、怎样保持好心情的英语作文 60


