凤台范文网 > > 心情 > 英语作文伤心的一天


来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-04 编辑:admin 手机版


Last friday evening, I bought a a second-hand bike. This bike looked like my last bike that was stolen last term. But I was so happy that I have a bike again. However, it was so unlucky that the bike was stolen on Sunday in the campus when I was having class. That bike I just had ride three times. It was such a sad thing. I hate the thieves who stole three bikes of mine. It seems that I don’t have the right to own a bike . I was disappointed at buying a bike again.


It seems that Hainan Island has not automn . After a hot summer ,I thought it will become comfortable ,but it turn cold so quickly . The freeze wind make my hand moves clumsy to write well . All my classmates do not want to go out of dormitory. In spite of I sleep well at night , I feel sleepy all the time . I miss autumn of my hometown , it dry and comfortable and not like here so wet and cold ! I hope the winter holiday arrive soon, then I can go to to my hometown.



Feeling bad for the money troubles, things to worry about work. Now I was his parasites, did not work, he can only rely on the cost of living. Moreover, now as in the school can not continue to ask for money a home. Test test so much, that is not a Progressive, or at least an interview, nor the. Immediately to the period of leave, it left a number of trivial matters, but I go from here? Not every day, and he tired of it together, it is not the life I want, not to mention he is also the general conditions, not to drink or enough money spent, there is a urgent flow of funds is not, let alone deposits. How can I meet the


North River Lanna Night Love, always makes us alienated each other I am proud I looked up capital After all, your tender is not my exclusive After all, your tender is not my exclusive Wind, blowing open the skirt What the share of loss love will not come again Coquettish yet reserved the United States Love stray fall decadent ら ゛ men do not value the total I forgot to forget the tears of laughter You are the raging waves. I'm tired of the beach. Breathing seems to be feeling is kind of difficult. Daydreaming is a kind of pastime, but Dian I want to say. Is silent Your smile still in my mind Never forget that you violated a commitment After all smiles bloom for you Think Pink Aidi language of pebbles Do not support you no harm ミ Reality all the feelings ° Landowners, farmers, partner. Money in the combustion ° Canyedianshang soul ╮ WwW.qqGuoGuo.CoM I am not a big beautiful ° Say you simply, it is difficult Guai bared, He Shi decoy Love you, I do not know Wani's pretend, for the Russian or her. ) ㄟ whom write love painting waiting つ √ depend on your deeper, more sad For the first time that love you Love can not hide 本文来自: QQ果果空间站(qqGUOGUO.COM)

