凤台范文网 > > 心情 > 英语作文:写一篇关于心情并如何处理的日记!


来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-19 编辑:admin 手机版



谈心情 陪伴你一生的不是名利财富、青春美貌,而是你的心情或心态在制约著你的人生。现代人的心情多变,如高速公路上的汽车往返频繁。邻居帮了一次忙,孩子的一个吻,别人的一句赞扬都像风和日丽一样地使人舒服。但是陌生人的一句粗话,商店里买了一件伪劣产品,一句侮辱人的玩笑都会使你心情变坏,心情沉重。 好心情使人愉快、精力旺盛、有创造力。有一次,我被关在电梯里1个半小时,只好打电话求助,最后出来了。由于有好心情,我觉得很有趣,否则我就惨了。坏心情是以使你丧失自信心、烦恼、忧虑和无能为力。 我们往往是处在复杂的心情之中。有时兴高采烈,有时垂头丧气。这时,我们要有勇气改变心情。 好心情陪伴你进入成功的殿堂、爱的温室,使你一生愉炔、和谐。有了好心情,我们就能过充实、有趣又有意义的生活。 因此,无论在哪里,无论做什么,都要保持心情愉快。


Sunday Dec 25th Sunny

Today, our class went to Mount Daqing and had a really good time. we gathered at 8 at school gate. Then, we went there by bus. After half an hour, we arrived and started climbing up the mountain. At 10, we arrived at the top and had lunch there. After lunch, we just did what we wanted to do and at half past five, we took the bus to go back to the school.


我的日记(My Diary)

Today I was a little master of my home.

At first, I was very happy. I felt very relaxed. After a while, it was lunch time. Family members felt hungry, I went to the market to buy some food. I just can cook spinach. So I tried to find spinaches. I asked and asked. After a while, I bought something green to home but it wasn’t spinach, it was celery. In my family nobody likes celery. Luckily, I had a little money. It was enough to have lunch outside.

I felt relax when a got home. I decided to have a good rest. But my mother made me do a lot of housework……

I was crazy about taking a nap after a day work. And I know a lot about my mum now. She is very busy.

