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英语作文 有关调节心情的E-mail

来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-26 编辑:admin 手机版

一、英语作文 有关调节心情的E-mail

Dear friendI am sorry to hear that you are in bad mood. I think you can do something to change it. First you can listen to some music when you are unhappy. This will help you feel happier. You can listen to some favourite music. Also you can dance to it. Then you will feel more relaxed after dancing. Also you can do sports. If you like playing basketball or football, you can play with your classmates. This doesn't waste time. What's more, you can talk with your friends or family. They will help you when you feel unhappy.Hope what I said can help you. Hope everything goes well with you.YoursXXX

Dear friend, I'm hearing that you are not happy this days.Don worry,i can help you get away from it.You can go out to breath the fresh air,go to the park or just walking.Besides,you can listeng to the music which you like.You'd better think something happy instead of something good.Wish you a happy mood!


如果快乐是一种坚强,我不知道自己是不是真的快乐。 因为我知道,我并不是真的坚强。 当泪流成河的时候,我不知道哪个角落会是我的栖身之所。 就这样默默的期待,遥望那点点的星辰。 我想让自己快乐,于是,我用微笑面对。 我想让自己坚强,于是我想让快乐来承兑

If Happiness is a strong, I do not know that they are not really happy. Because I know that I am not really strong. When the tears into a river when I do not know which corner will be my home. In this way the expectations of silence, looking that little bit of stars. I want their happiness, therefore, I used a smile to face. I would like to own the firm, so I want to acceptance Happiness


every of us should be happy everyday

that need us know the way that how to feel happy

we should think about the things we like,do things we want to do

when we are in trouble ,we shouldn't be so worry that we cannot do anything else.

be happy,then you can live in a happy life.everyone around you may feel happy too

