凤台范文网 > > 心情 > 100词的英语作文,带翻译


来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-26 编辑:admin 手机版



Our school has a place we like best. That is the playground. The playground is a pleasant scenery, with tall and thick oak trees, delicate flowers and some unknown fruit trees.


We all like to go there when we go to school and after school, because we will pick some clover for my mother to express my gratitude to her. Sometimes my classmates and I sit under the camphor tree to enjoy the cool and tell the friendly stories.


The small playground is a four seasons air conditioner. Standing on the playground in summer, I suddenly feel the cool wind and the fresh air. I can't wait to take a few deep breaths, which is more comfortable than turning on the cold air conditioner. In autumn and winter, as long as we have time, we will gather in the small playground to enjoy free sunshine bath. The warm sunshine will directly reach us, making us warm as spring.


Every time I come to the camphor tree, the huge leaves of the camphor tree swing, as if to say to me: children, we meet again, thank you for coming to see me every day. Whenever I come to school early, the small playground is covered with thick fog, as if the fairy painted a thick layer of fog with a paintbrush, I seem to have come to a fairyland.


Sometimes, when I am in a bad mood, I will go to the small playground for a walk, and I will be very happy to see these beautiful scenery. Flowers vary in shape, some showing a beautiful smile, some stretching their beautiful posture, there are budding.


How about the small playground on our campus!




Habits,whether good or bad,are gradually formed.When a person does a certain thing again and again,he'll be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force.Thus habit is formed.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it.ThereforeIt is very important that we should take care in the formation of habits.


Good habits have many advantages.Going to bed early and getting up early makes us healthy.Diligence helps to succeed.Honesty helps to win the respect and trust of others.


If we form bad habits,such as rudeness,laziness,lying and stealing,we might be mined by them.


We ought to keep away from bad habits and try to acquire good habits for ourselves and other.


Habits,whether good or bad,are gradually formed.When a person does a certain thing again and again,he'll be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force.Thus habit is formed.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it.ThereforeIt is very important that we should take care in the formation of habits.


Good habits have many advantages.Going to bed early and getting up early makes us healthy.Diligence helps to succeed.Honesty helps to win the respect and trust of others.


If we form bad habits,such as rudeness,laziness,lying and stealing,we might be mined by them.


We ought to keep away from bad habits and try to acquire good habits for ourselves and other.


Habits,whether good or bad,are gradually formed.When a person does a certain thing again and again,he'll be obliged to do it in the same way by some unseen force.Thus habit is formed.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of it.ThereforeIt is very important that we should take care in the formation of habits.


Good habits have many advantages.Going to bed early and getting up early makes us healthy.Diligence helps to succeed.Honesty helps to win the respect and trust of others.


If we form bad habits,such as rudeness,laziness,lying and stealing,we might be mined by them.


We ought to keep away from bad habits and try to acquire good habits for ourselves and other.


