凤台范文网 > > 心情 > 能帮我写一篇以颜色代表心情的适合初二的英语水平的英语作文,加翻译吗?


来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-31 编辑:admin 手机版

Different colors represent different mood

Red: a joyful passion evil danger, passion, romance, fire, violence, aggression

Orange: warm food and friendly warning wealth

Yellow: bright pure light gentle and lively, bright, brilliant, illness, cowardice

Green: the lives of young peace fresh, natural, stable, growth, jealous

Cyan: sincere trust vitality refined elegant

Blue: clean cold quiet stable and accurate, loyalty, security, conservative, quiet, cold, sad

Purple: Romance mysterious noble elegant sexy, creativity, mystery, loyalty, rare

White: pure and clean, elegant monotone holy, innocent, clean, truth, peace, cold, poor

Gray: Tolerance old ordinary casual indifference

Black: Orthodox serious death heavy horror, ability, sophistication, contemporary, death, sick, evil

