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来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-08-01 编辑:admin 手机版

Red signifies joyfulness, green represents envy, yellow denotes cowardice, black conveys sadness and anger, and blue signifies melancholy.

Red is associated with happiness and liveliness, and it is considered the most positive color in terms of connotation, symbolizing joy and festivity. For instance, a red letter day in English refers to a memorable or joyous occasion.

Green is used to express feelings of envy. In English, green can also mean jealous or green-eyed with envy. Additionally, due to the green color of US dollar bills, the term green in the US context can imply money, cash, or financial strength. For example, In American political elections, the candidates who win are usually those with green power backing them. Furthermore, green can indicate a lack of experience, training, or depth of knowledge, as in the phrase The new typist is green at her job.

Yellow is associated with cowardice and timidity. In English, yellow can mean cowardly or yellow-bellied.

Black is used to express sadness and anger. It is the color of mourning in many Western cultures, where people wear black to funerals, similar to the Chinese custom of wearing black mourning bands. For example, Black Friday refers to the day of Jesus' crucifixion before Easter, a day of sorrow. Black in the face is an expression for someone turning pale with anger, while to look black at someone means to glare at someone angrily.

Blue signifies a feeling of melancholy or depression. For example, the phrase Cathy felt blue all day describes a state of persistent sadness.

