凤台范文网 > > 学习 > 求一篇《怎样学好英语?》的英语的作文 60字左右

求一篇《怎样学好英语?》的英语的作文 60字左右

来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-15 编辑:admin 手机版

一、求一篇《怎样学好英语?》的英语的作文 60字左右

Let's enjoy the English world. 补充: 对中国人来说学英语确实是件比较棘手的事情,特别想学好英语,非得有有一段过程. 其实学英语和学汉语相同点很多,都是一种语言的学习. 我们可以联系到小学的时候我们学汉语的经过,老师没少叫我们死记硬背,虽然死记硬背是个贬义词,但在学习语言当中确实是个不变的法理. 我不知道你现在的基础怎么样,所以只有算你是初中毕业水平. 一.你到书店找到一本阅读资料,最好是短文,一篇一篇的,你觉得这本书说懂,不是很懂,说不懂,又可以看出点意思来.这样一本书,你要一篇不漏的坚持看下去,而且碰到陌生词,统统用词典或电脑查出来,在书上注明.然后就是反复的从头到尾的看这本书,一直到你一看课文题目,书中的内容及以前的陌生词都可以在脑海里面浮出来. 二.坚持把初中的单词给记了,多看,多读,多写,如果有电脑就最方便,你可以下个软件,或者买个单词学习软件.比如初中的单词你通过电脑你打,听它5-10遍. 脑海里有个自然沉积的记忆,初中的差不多了,就继续高中的,方法如上. 单词的记忆最好和上面的同时进行,这样有许多单词在重复记忆,加深印象. 三.重点关注常用巨型,这个还是要根据你学习状况和工作情况.口语句子一般都比较简单,你得重点读出声音.坚持的读,到时候,简单的交谈或写作可以脱口而出和信手拈来. 四.当你有一定的英语基础后,你就可以使用英语学习软件了,或者系统的英语学习书籍,比如,新概念英语.从头到尾的学习下去,也许在这个过程当中你看不很大效果,但当你把这套资料都通学了一遍,你会发现你长进了不少,同时有点成就感了,有助于于你的信心. 五.这是最后阶段了,你可以英文写信给朋友,或日记.可以在平常中和朋友锻炼练习下口语.在这个过程当中你或许感觉很吃力,正是这个时候,你还要继续上面的各点,也正是提高最快,进步最大的时候了. 我根据自己的学习经验总结了五点,具体情况还是要自己实事求是.希望你可以找到更好的学习方法,把英语学好. we□懶羴羴" 的感言: 3QU(谢谢)

二、英语作文: 怎样学好英语。

how to learn Englishto many of us ENglish learning seems to be so hard that many of us learn it by using big amount of money and time .In my opinion Engkish learning is not s hard and in the oppoment I think it is very easy and interesting to learn English good .first we should have a good interesting of the English think learning it is fun and so happy so that we won't feel tired or want to give up when be frustred in the learning and the using is very important we may use English as man as possible .in the learning the fastest way to get right of the langlage is to use it as many as possible.use it whenever you are in reading or eating or doing jobs or others .so just say it out

三、英语作文 : 如何学好英语

1. Listen to BBC news persistently to improve your English hearing.

2. Read more and more English books, especially those written by English native speakers to expand your vocabulary as well as reading capability.

3. Try to speak in English when it's need to get rid of shyness and your spoken English will improve greatly.

4. Of course, to chat with native speakers, if possible, is a good method for learning English. Or you may chat with them on-line since you've time to log onto the Internet.

5. To watch English movies or TV plays is another option for learning English.

