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平时多背 1.首先打牢语法基础,切不可在文章中出现语法错误。 2.背诵高级词汇,关键是用上一两个,在精不在多,可以提高整体文章的水准。 3.背诵高级词组,学会用各类词组组织文章结构。比如:而且这个意思就有若干词组可以表示:what's more moreover等等,必要时用高级一点的词组会提高文章水准。比如我认为,不要用I think ,用As far as I'm concerned 等等~~ 4.掌握各类句子结构,例如从句、倒装句是作文中常常用到的,一定要学会在文章中穿插不同的句子结构,避免文章像流水帐。 5.切忌一字一字的翻译,英文结构与中文不同,可以将句意稍加颠倒,例如,在现今竞争激烈的社会中,就可以说是:in today's highly competitive society,直译显然收效不好。 最重要的是,一定不可偷懒,多背经典范文,学习高级的句型、词组以及连接方式等,相信我,背多了练多了你的水平就一定会随之提高。

二、怎样学好英语 的英语作文 40-50词

Nowadays,the English is becoming more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English. First,we have to make a hard decision to study English well and never give it up. Second we must do all the homework that the teachers told us on time. Third, we should read some English books and buy some exercise books to study. Then, we can ask our classmates or teachers when we come across some hard problems. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Finally, we must stick these everyday. 如今,英国正变得越来越重要。有许多不同的方式学习英语。例如,这些是我的方式学习英语。首先,我们必须作出艰难的决定,学好英语,决不放弃。第二,我们必须做的所有功课的老师告诉我们时间。第三,我们应该看一些英文书籍,购买书籍,学习一些运动。然后,我们可以问我们的同学或老师,当我们遇到了一些难题来。不要怕犯错误。最后,我们必须坚持这些日常。






People to learn good English is a gradual process, learning to keep the accumulated knowledge of English words phrases including how to use pinyin sentence when the state to consider sentence. Since English is the language should be more training to listen to more speakers, used by as much as possible. Daily adhere to spend 1-3 minutes to learn English. The best course to learn English themselves inside the circle drill, such as students in English and the Association of English or English-speaking foreigner exchanges, but the precondition is that you will understand and learn to listen to is a good way.

Everyone has just begun to learn English at the time, especially in their English before the exchange of people feel that good shy Bieniu, this is in fact one has just begun to reflect a natural, but not conducive for us to learn English. Because we are the purpose of learning English will listen to write speak, so to overcome this psychological self-important, do not be afraid of error, please boldly say so. Learning English is a long process, their training should be as much as possible their interest in learning it. English knowledge is relying on memory to strengthen, flexibility is also relatively high, individuals can explore a similar suit their own learning.

When more and more people are learning English, the Chinese master English more and more people become very popular in English, I believe you also not far behind, then from now on it to learn English, English is a useful language.

English is one of the most important subjects in middle school.

Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well. Karl Marx has set a good example for us. He once said, When one is learning a foreign language, he must use the foreign language. In this way, he could use several languages. A saying goes, Practice makes perfect. When we learn English, we should read more, speak more, listen to English from time to time and practise writing every day. Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Only in this way can we learn it well.

How to Learn English Well?

Some people think that if we want to learn English well we must learn English grammar well first of all. Others believe we can't learn English well unless we keep in mind as many English words and phrases as possible.

In my opinion, grammar rules, new words and phrases are very important, but they are not enough. Fox example, some of my classmates are quite good at grammar and have learned by heart a lot of English words and phrases, yet they can't express themselves in English when they meet foreign friends.

The best way to learn English well, I think, is to learn and use English all the time. Don't be afraid of being laughed at. We'd better do a lot of listening, speaking, reading and writing. If you can form the habit of thinking and writing in English all day, you are sure to grasp the spirit of English and will be able to read works in English within a short period of time.

Only in this way that I suggest, can we learn English well. So I think this is the best way

