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如何学好英语 英语作文

来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-16 编辑:admin 手机版

一、如何学好英语 英语作文

一句话some students owe fortune to hardness,as long as study hard and never give up,you can succeed

二、怎样更好的学习 英语作文 跪求




Every student wants to learn English well,but how can we learn it well?As far as I'm concerned,the followings are necessary:

First of all,we should know the importance of learning it.English is the most windly used international language in the world.It's one of the essential tools to communicate with the outside world.Secondly,we'd better find out the main obstacles to our learning and try to clear them as soon as possible.Besides,to learn it well we must read more,listen more and speak more.Just as the saying goes,practice makes perfect.Lastly but not the least,we should have confidence in our own abilities to learn English well.When we meet with difficulties,we should try to get over them rather than lose heart.

As long as we set our mind to learn English well,we can succeed


1. Learning a foreign language is learning how to use a tool .You must use the language often .

2. Be sure to learn the English sounds and intonation, the rules of grammar, how to use the words and phrases.

3. To learn English is not just remembering a lot of rules and a lot of words. It is learning to read and write, to speak and listen in the language. After all, language is for people to get their ideas across to other people. As soon as they can, students should read stories in English, listen to English over the radio or TV, speak to their friends or classmates in English and keep a diary in English. This is using the language, doing things in the language and making language learning more meaningful.

