凤台范文网 > > 学习 > 初一英语小短文20到30字


来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-17 编辑:admin 手机版

1.Today i take the bus to the park. Some people are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. When a young girl comes, everybody looks at her.She is very shy. I don't know her name, but I think I have met her before. Suddenly,she turns to me and says: It's You. Remember me? I'm your new classmate.I'm Mary. Oh my God. she is really my new friend.

2.Our country is China .China is very big .It has more than 1.3billion people .In China we speak Chinese .Beijing is the capital city of our country .The palace museum in Beijing is very old and beautiful .Tian’an men square in Beijing is very famous .China ’s flag is red .It has five yellow stars .China looks like a cook on a map .

China is so great .I love China ----our country !

3.My father is very busy every day .He usually gets up early and goes to work on foot .He likes walking to work ,because it is good for his health .My father ofter works until midnight .When he comes bake home ,he feels very tired .He likes reading books .His favourite book is story book .He likes cooking too ,and he is good at it .He sometimes cooks delicious food for my mother and me.

4.Today I talk about my father .My father’s name is Xie Weigang .He is 35 years old .He is tall and thin .He is 1.76metres tall .He likes playing volleyball .He is a lead of the volleyball team .

My father likes going into Internet and QQ .He uses computer every day .He often uses computer until 12 in the evening .

My father takes care of me .He often listens my English .

I like my father !

Do you know my father ?

5.I have a cat . It is a lovely cat . Her name is Dongdong .Her fur is black an d white . She is my best friend . I like her very much . I often tell stories to her . I think she can understand me.Because she jumps up with the joy when I tell her stories .

In my family, there are three people, which is my mother, my father and I. My mother likes cooking, and my father likes reading. We are very happy, and play together a lot. My mother always looks after me, and so does my father. I love my parents!



The Greens(格林一家) have a car. It’s a Japanese car. It’s very nice. They all like it. Mr Green’s car licence number is 781239. Their address is 28 King Street, 1002 London. Jim is Mr Green’s son. He has a bird. Its name is Polly. He has a cat, too. Its name is Mimi. He likes them very much. His brother is Tom. He is nine. He likes picture-books.


Mother: What’s wrong, children?

Children: We’re thirsty, Mum!

Mother: What would you like to drink?

Jim: I’d like a Coke, please!

Kate: Orange for me, please!

Mother: Sit down here. Let me go, OK?

Mother: Here you are! A bottle of Coke and a bottle of orange.

Children: Thank you, Mum!

Jim: The Coke is very nice. Would you like some, Mum?

Kate: You can have some of my orange, Mum!

Mother: Oh, no, thank you. I’m not thirsty. Are you all right now?

Children: Yes, thank you, Mum!


Sandwich is an Englishman. He lives in the 18th century(世纪). Sandwich is rich, but he likes to play cards (纸牌) for money. He often plays for 24 hours, and doesn't even stop to have his meals. He orders(命令) his servants (仆人) to bring him some meat and bread. He puts the meat between the two pieces of bread and holds the food in his left hand while he plays cards with his right hand. People like Sandwich's idea, and from then on they eat bread and meat as Sandwich does.



Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。

Ambiguity: 尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。

Brief: 文章简为贵,要抓住要点,简明扼要。

Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。

Development: 主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。

Division: 词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。

Figures: 正确合理使用各类修辞格式。

Inflated diction: 不使用做作的语言。

Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。

Logical: 内容要符合逻辑。

Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信。

Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分。

Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。

Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。

Relevant: 文章一定要要题。

Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。

Strait: 开门见山,直来直去。

Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。

Tense: 动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。

Theme: 选题得当,主题突出

The Wolf and the Crane (狼与鹤)

A Wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her

head into his mouth and draw out the bone. When the Crane had extracted the bone and

demanded the promised payment, the Wolf, grinning and grinding his teeth, exclaimed:

Why, you have surely already had a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted

to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf.

n serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains.


