凤台范文网 > > 学习 > 写一篇初中水平80字的英语作文《如何提高学习的方法》(追加悬赏)


来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-25 编辑:admin 手机版


提高学习效率并非一朝一夕之事,需要长期的探索和积累。 Improve the learning efficiency is not a overnight thing, the need for long-term exploration and accumulation. 前人的经验是可以借鉴的,但必须充分结合自己的特点。 Predecessors can learn from the experience, but must be fully integrated feature of its own. 影响学习效率的因素,有学习之内的,但更多的因素在学习之外。 Factors that affect the learning efficiency, learning within, but outside factors in the study. 首先要养成良好的学习习惯,合理利用时间,另外还要注意专心、用心、恒心等基本素质的培养,对于自身的优势、缺陷等更要有深刻的认识。 First of all, to develop good study habits and rational use of time, while we must pay attention to concentrate, heart, perseverance, the basic quality of the training, for their own advantage, such defects should have a deep understanding. 总之,世上无难事,只怕有心人。 In short, there is nothing unachievable if there is.

二、以如何学好英语为题目 写一片不少于八十词的作文 初三作文

the author mentions national studies that show that young children that watch violent programs show more violent behavior at home than children who do not watch such programs. This argument fails on two levels - one by assuming that children and teenagers are equally affected by television programs; and two by again assuming that there is some type of cause and effect relationship between television violence and teenage crime. Young children and teenagers are not the same and it should not be assumed that more violent behavior within the home leads to crimes outside as these children grow into teenagers.


Learning English Is Not Difficult

I have learned English for about 5 years. To be honest, learning English is not as difficult as you thought. The only thing you should remember is intereast . Only if you have interest in speaking or listening can you make big progress.So far, I have memorized 5000 words. Every day after school, I will chat in English whit my pen pal Jim through Internet. That is a very practical way to use English, from which I realized that practice makes perfect. In the future I will continue to talk in English as much as possible. I believe I could speak English just like a native speaker.

