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英文读书报告 急

来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-06 编辑:admin 手机版

一、英文读书报告 急


Bram Stoker的 Dracula。 是吸血股故事的始祖。。 很好看,文字也不难。有电影版的,不过与原著有些出入。

Murder on the Orient Express, 犯罪小说女王 Agatha Christie名作。如果你不去看剧透,坚持读完小说的话,结局很精彩···有同名电影

Jerzy Kosinski的Being There, 很短很精彩的一本黑色幽默小说,同名的电影也十分精彩,获奖无数。

W. Somerset Maugham 的 The Painted Veil,关于爱情,背叛与死亡。“小说《面纱》以其对人类欲望,恐惧和道德等内在世界的准确建构,而成为一部艺术的杰作。”



Personally, I feel that the pay rise does not solve the root of the problem. The pay rise may keep the older members on the team but may not attract new blood when there are jobs with better pay around.

Also, the basic problem for the low morale is the lack of confidence from the public, if the public's confidence is restored, then there will be people willing to join the team.

Although the council hopes that just by increasing the pay, the morale of the team will be better, then they may be wrong. From the few cases of police officers gambling and handling travellers, we can see that the mindset of the officers need to be corrected. They need to define right from wrong, and their duties from what they ought not to do.

Still, this is a good start. Although it does not thoroughly solve the morale question, it does bring to the public that being a police officer can be another choice to consider, and new blood may be introduced through this.





Pride and Prejudice is written by the famous English writer Austen Jane.The novel mainly tells the love story between Elizabeth and Darcy.

The masterpiece introduces the English humanbeings during the late 18th and early 19th century.

The story inflects Mr.Bannet five daughters different attitudes towards marriage.

Darcy is a man of great pride .Therefore Elizabeth hates him at the first sight.The feeling changes into prejudice gradually.this is why they dislike each other at the very beginning.Darcy represents pride while Elizabeth represents prejudice.

Nevertheless,Darcy perfects himself and Elizabeth changes her minds by the means of Darcy explanation and Elizabeth reflection.They fall in love and get marrid in the end.




