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来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-10 编辑:admin 手机版





One day,an old man was selling a big elephant.A young man came up to the elephant ang began to look at it slowly.The old man went up to him ang said in his ear,Don't say anything about the elephat before I sell it,then I will give you some meat.All right.said the young man .After the old man sold the elephant ,he gave the young man some meat and said,Now,can you tell me hou you can see the bad ears of the elephant? I didn't find the bad ears.said the young man .Then why did you look at it slowly?asked the old man .The young man said,I have never see an elephant before,and I want to know waht it looks like. 一天,一老人出售的一头大象.一名青年男子走到大象跟前开始仔细的看.老人走到青年旁边对著他的耳朵说, “在我卖掉这头大象之前不要说任何有关的话,然后我会给你一些肉。 ”“好的”青年说。之后老人卖掉了大象,他给了青年男子一些肉并说: “现在,你能告诉我你是怎样看到大象坏掉的耳朵 ?” “我没有发现坏的耳朵。”青年说。“那你为什麽一直仔细的看著大象?”老人问。 青年说“之前我从来没有看到象,我想知道它看起来像什麽”

Why the young man still look at the elephant?

Because he has never see an elephant before,and he wants to know waht it looks like.


About a decade ago,some publishers were predicting that books would soon be a thing of the past and that we would all be reading downloadable texts on portable handheld screens either on an MP3,an ipad or a mobile phone screen.

Wishful thinking it turns out.The book is still with us while the various book-replacement devices have mostly been 9umped on the recycling heap.They were too hard to read .People complained,and also too heavy,using so much battery power that they quickly grew hot in the hand.When it comes to readinng in bed,e-book and the traditional book work equally poorly.And when you are reading along an e-book,it's hard to know exactly where you are in a book.And you can't skim or flip,through easily nor can you search or make notes,The whole experience is a little like floating through cyberspace.

By far the best things about the e-book are its capacity it can hold about 80 books or more if you use a memory card and portability.You can cram yours with both recreational reading and stuff for work and it all fits in your pocket.


