凤台范文网 > > 主题 > 求一篇关于学校的英语作文 主题和学校的建筑有关 There be句型 和介词的使用!!在线等!!!!!!!!!

求一篇关于学校的英语作文 主题和学校的建筑有关 There be句型 和介词的使用!!在线等!!!!!!!!!

来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-21 编辑:admin 手机版

my school

i am studying in xxxxschool.it has a long history.there is a big studying building in the front of the school.we studying inthe building every day.And there is a big playgroung behind the building.l often play soccer in the ground with my classmates.there is also a library in my school where i usually go with the classnates.i like my school very much.

