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Daily Report用什么主题好

来源:https://www.ft263.com 时间:2024-07-23 编辑:admin 手机版

一、Daily Report用什么主题好

初一的report不用很难,随便说说身边的小事就好~ 比如说 my happy family, my best day, my favourite book or song, a friend 等等。。。可以有小事揭露出一些社会问题来~

good luck!

二、推荐一个大学英语口语课的duty report``谢谢啦

这位朋友,在大学里面做duty report是很平常的事情,我们上学的时候,大一,大二的时候,天天都有人做duty report,关于duty report,你只要选一些自己喜欢的东东讲一下就OK了,时间大约10分钟。



三、创意duty report


四、英语课的duty report 主题是 custome and culture

custome and culture---- I am on daty today. I want to say something about the Mid-Autumn Festival. Different countries have different custom and culture. In our country, the Mid-Autumn Festival is very very important holiday. The custom lasts for thousands of years. Several days before the holiday, people prepare many different kinds of mooncakes and send some to their relatives, especially their elders to have a taste of different mooncakes. On the day, at lunch time or mostly in the evening, most families invite their relatives to get together for family reunion dinner to celebrate the holiday. This holiday, in China, means family reunion. Wherever you go, you 'll try your best to come back home and spend the happy reunion with families before the eve or on the day. This holiday also shows the harmony of the family as well as the country.


